We are a non-university based academic center, with five internationally recognized Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Specialist. Our team offers patient centric and interdisciplinary care, integrating wellness activities, medical care and research programs, to enable accurate diagnosis, treat symptoms, and slow progression.

We seek to raise community awareness of the need for earlier, accurate diagnosis; new and emerging treatments; opportunities to participate in groundbreaking research to slow or stop progression, to find a cure, and to develop more effective and safer medications; and of available educational, wellness, and support services.

  •  Comprehensive Care Clinic provides state-of-the-art care of patients with PD and other movement disorders.
  • Wellness Center offers no-cost programs open to the community for PD education, wellness, exercise, social support, and rehabilitative therapies supported by the Parkinson’s / Alzheimer’s Research and Education Foundation (PAREF).
  • Clinical Research Center, one of the largest Parkinson’s clinical research centers in the U.S., provides access to research programs investigating new medications to treat symptoms and stop or slow progression.

Click here to watch our 2023 AAN-TV produced video

Accurate Diagnosis

  • Re-evaluation of prior diagnosis 
  • Clinical diagnosis criteria 
  • Datscan brain imaging 
  • Gene testing
  • Skin biopsy for Synuclein
  • Biomarker research programs: Michael J. Fox Foundation PPMI (Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative)

Clinical Care

  • Wellness
  • Non-pharmacologic therapies
  • Access to newly FDA approved medications
  • Investigational treatments in research programs
  • Personalized treatment


Our wellness center complements medical care received by providing;

  • Education for people living with Parkinson’s disease and their families / caregivers.
  • community outreach and awareness.
  • support groups and social services.
  • Balance and Tai chi classes – free of cost
  • Diet and exercise plan

Non-pharmacologic therapies

The following non-pharmacologic interventions may be used in conjunction with other therapies to optimize treatment plan.

  • Physical therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy 
  • Exercise plan
  • Nutritional plan

Access to newly FDA approved treatments

  • Novel PD motor therapies
    • Extended release Carbidopa/Levodopa for motor symptoms
    • Delayed release/ extended release Amantadine for dyskinesia
    • Istradefylline for OFF time
    • On-demand therapies for OFF episodes
      • inhaled Levodopa, Apomorphine pen
  • Novel PD non-motor therapies
    • Droxidopa for Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (NOH)
    • Pimavanserin for Parkinson’s disease psychosis 
    • Botulinum toxin for Sialorrhea
  • Novel ET therapies
    • Peripheral neuromodulation wrist-worn device

Research programs

As one of the largest PD research centers in the world, we have programs for:

  • Parkinson’s disease prevention and to slow progression
  • Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms and off episodes
  • Parkinson’s disease non-motor symptoms 

Also have research programs for:

  • Essential Tremor (ET)
  • Multiple Systems Atrophy (MSA)
  • Lewy Body Dementia (LBD)
  • Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)

Personalized treatment strategies

  • Motor symptoms
    • Initial symptoms
    • Motor complications: OFF episodes, OFF time, Dyskinesia
    • Pump and surgical therapies
  • Non-motor symptoms
    • Autonomic dysfunction: neurogenic orthostatic hypotension and sialorrhea
    • Neuropsychiatric: psychosis, apathy, mood, anxiety
    • Cognitive impairment and dementia
  • Other neurodegenerative disorders: MSA, PSP, LBD
    • Clarity and accuracy of diagnosis
    • Empiric and supportive therapies
    • Research programs to slow progression
  • Essential tremor
    • Medication (oral; botulinum), peripheral modulation devices, surgical (DBS, FUS)
  • Dystonia
    • Botulinum toxin program

Our Facility

Newly remodeled center expands over two buildings, connected by a open courtyard with picnic tables, trees and walkways – with a short walk between the two. 

   Clinical Center (Entrance building 5-E)

  • Front row parking with entrance steps away.
  • Large waiting room with refreshments and snacks.
  • Two long hallways used to observe walking, turning and balance.
  • Dedicated exam rooms with PD-TV, broadcasting information on PD, wellness and research programs.
  • Onsite blood draws, genetic testing and skin biopsy.


Wellness Center (Entrance through courtyard building 4)

  • Daily classes and activities 
  • Support groups
  • Weekly educational lectures



To learn more about resources and support in the south Florida area, visit PAREF. The Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Education & Research Foundation (PAREF) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization whose mission is to support research initiatives, educational programs, supportive services, and community outreach for patients, caregivers, and families with Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s Disease. PAREF specifically seeks to raise community awareness of need for earlier, accurate diagnosis; of new and emerging treatments; of opportunities to participate in groundbreaking research to slow or stop progression, to find a cure, and to develop more effective and safer medications; and of available educational and supportive services.

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